using my amazing deductive powers I have discovered a dirty secret within the inbox web3 community, that a
mr rami is actually mr steve jobs undercover to steal british secrets


Rami Jobs Steve Jobs
Comes from Syria Comes from Syria
Has a secret love for the UK Has a secret love for America
CEO of a tech company CEO of a tech company
Strong vision prescription from staring at screens for too long Strong vision prescription from staring at screens for too long
Balding from industry stress Balding from industry stress
Obsessed with customer experience gibbons Obsessed with customer experience
Wedding ring on incorrect finger Wedding ring on correct finger
thankfully eats like a normal human being Died cause he enjoyed eating only Apple products

as you can see, the evidence is overwhelmingly in favour of Steve "dying" from eating only fruits to becoming a new unicorn leader in the UK tech space.... would the world's smartest man in the America die from citrus???? I think not.